

Investment Objective

The Pachira Aggressive Portfolio seeks an attractive “absolute total return” for investors over a full market cycle (up and down market). We believe this strategy is ideal for investors who are willing to sacrifice the highest possible return in exchange for a high level of risk control.


Risk Management

The Pachira Aggressive Portfolio is managed by a proprietary technical algorithm, designed from years of work and testing by our investment team. When the market is in an uptrend the strategy is fully invested in equities while, when the market is in a downtrend, the strategy becomes defensive and moves to bonds or cash equivalents to limit downside risk.


Asset Allocation

The Pachira Aggressive Portfolio is invested in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that give investors exposure to 3 broad-based asset classes found within the S&P Composite 1500®. The S&P Composite 1500® combines three leading indices, the S&P 500®, the S&P Midcap 400®, and the S&P Smallcap 600® to cover approximately 90% of the U.S. market capitalization. Rather than attempting to predict which asset class is going to be in favor, this portfolio invests in all three asset classes. When out of the market, the portfolio is invested in two bond ETFs that give investors exposure to a diversified basket of short and intermediate term bonds.